15 December 2010
21 October 2010
Am uitat cine sunt. Am uitat ce vroiam sa fac. Am uitat ce planuri imi facusem. Pur si simplu am uitat.. Si m-am trezit cand am ajuns intr-un punct..uitat de lume. Nu stiu unde sunt. Nu stiu incotro sa o iau. Sau ce trebuie sa fac in continuare.
Stiu insa ce mi-ar placea sa se intample si simt cum incep sa imi dau seama ce vreau sa fac in continuare.
Pffff.. nimic nu mai are sens din ce scriu.
Vreau sa o iau de la capat. Vreau sa pierd totul si sa castig totul. Vreau o clipa sa se opreasca totul si sa fac schimb de drumuri pentru ca drumul pe care merg acum nu este cel care ma duce unde trebuie. Vad in departare un alt drum, care ma poate duce cat mai aproape de ce imi doresc. E suficient de aproape cat sa simt mirosul schimbarii, al noului.
02 September 2010
13 July 2010
Push and pull

sa fie oare frica de necunoscut? cred ca usor usor am inventat frica de stabilitate si inclinatiile catre nesiguranta transformate in sport extrem cu care ne mandrim. de ce? pentru ca toti fac asta, pentru ca societatea ne-a indus aceste temeri si stil de viata? sa fie asta? nu.. tind sa cred ca nimeni nu este vinovat pentru ce se intampla in afara de noi.. dependenta isi are si ea un loc fruntas in acest proces de transformare la care luam cu totii parte fara sa facem nimic insa.. ne lasam dusi de val, dar de valu' care nu trebuie..
incercam sa reflectam asupra lucrurilor care ne implica si pe noi si nu reusim nimic..
oferim incredere si cu cat oferim mai multa cu cat pierdem mai multa incredere si in noi insine.. oferind totul si lasandu-ne prada riscurilor, ne pierdem identitatea si ne contopim cu persoana care primeste aceste daruri..
vino..pleaca...vino..pleaca... fa ce vreau eu, chiar daca nu stiu nici eu prea bine.. asteapa-ma sa ma hotarasc..
cu toate astea, prefer sa ma declar invinsa complet si sa astept .. sa ma las impinsa si chemata in acelasi timp.. sa ma las cucerita complet si sa risc sa pierd totul. de ce? pentru ca oferind totul nu mai am nimic de pierdut. pentru ca oferind totul castig din ce in ce mai mult.. mai multa liniste.. mai mult spatiu.. mai multa independenta..
fara nimic sunt totul..
12 July 2010
Pentru prima oara prima oara

S-a gandit oare cineva la ideea de a face prima oara ceva pentru prima oara ever? Ce concept ciudat, dar cand simti ca incepi sa iti traiesti viata, parca totul il faci pentru prima oara, parca fiecare zi este prima zi. Departe de adevar? Aberez? Ma indoiesc.
Cei care nu cred, probabil ca nu traiesc nimic pentru prima oara. Totul devine o rutina in cel mai bun caz, fiecare moment se adauga la anteriorul si nimic nu este trait si degustat asa cum merita: totul se risipeste in trecut si in clipele ce or sa vina..
Nu simt nevoia sa dau sfaturi sau solutii, ci numai sa plasez undeva in atmosfera aceasta idee care se juca cu gandurile mele de ceva vreme.
Prima oara cand deschizi usa, prima oara cand mirosi o rosie, prima oara cand vezi soarele cum se strecoara pe geam in casa, prima oara cand vezi apa cum curge de la robinet, prima oara cand gasesti butonul de volum de la boxe, prima oara cand vezi o flacara, prima oara prima oara pentru toate..
Totul imi aduce aminte de descoperirile din perioada copilariei, de satisfactia descoperirii unui lucru crezut de mine nestiut de nimeni.. Ma face sa privesc ce e in jur cu mare interes si sa ma gandesc: e oara prima oara cand privesc ... ?
In cati dintre noi se mai aprinde scanteia explorarii?
Pentru mine totul este invaluit in "prima data" si pentru prima data ma duc sa descopar patul, perna si somnul..
Noapte buna..pentru prima oara..
20 June 2010
18 June 2010
31 May 2010
27 March 2010
Earth Hour 2010
Nu stiu daca ati participat sau nu anul trecut la acest eveniment, dar anul acesta aveti posibilitatea sa o faceti.
Nu este ceva extravagant, nici pe departe ceva ce o sa va solicite foarte mult, dar este unul din lucrurile prin care va puteti arata spirjinul in fata problemelor de mediu si puteti aratata cat va intereseaza. Azi lumina, maine cine stie..
Oricum ne putem implica in foarte multe lucruri: ecologizari, colectand selectiv gunoiul, printr-o conduita civica de exemplu (doar ne consideram civilizati nu?)...
Dar azi, azi nu facem decat sa ne bucuram timp de o ora de avantajul de a avea curent si de a nu-l folosi.. de a ne bucura de o noapte care se anunta placuta.. poate vedem si stele ceva..
Voi stiti de poluarea luminoasa? De cat timp nu ati mai vazut stelele? Va propun sa mergeti intr-o noapte intr-un loc slab luminat sau deloc (parc-unele parcuri din Bucuresti chiar sunt pe minus la iluminat/padure/munte) si sa admirati ceea ce eu consider absolut superb..
In fine.. destul cu vorbaraia..
In seara asta va astept in Parcul Izvor la un eveniment ce tine pana la urma de bun simt :))
Punct de intalnire: metrou Izvor (unde cred ca o sa se intalneasca toata lumea :)) acum ca ma gandesc mai bine :P) la ora 19:45 ca sa avem timp sa ne strangem pana la ora 20:00. Puteti sa aduceti si o lumanare/lanterna ceva... poate nu au acolo suficient..zic..
See ya there!
Mai multe detalii vedeti in poza de jos:

15 March 2010
09 March 2010
Unplugged Live Events!!

Vine miercuri seara si anunta mijlocul saptamanii. Cum sa sarbatoresti mai bine decat prin cantec, dans si voie buna.
Vino la Woodstock Cafe , pe str. Traian, nr.141 (intre Hala Traian si Foisor, pe linia tramvaiului)... and feel free to perform!!
Se anunta o seara de neuitat saptamana asta, facuta sa ne introduca intr-un altanotimp....incepand cu ora 21:00. Poti veni si mai devreme ca sa fie timp sa te incalzesti pentru marea destrabalare ;)
Va astept acolo sa zdranganim chitarile ;)
Adresa: Str. Traian nr 141 (intre Hala Traian si Foisorul de Foc)
Transport: RUTA 1:de la Unirii (pta. Sf . Vineri) : tramvaiul 14, 40, 55, 56 (pana la Hala Traian) si mers pe jos 5 min maxim pe str. Traian inspre Foisorul de Foc !!
RUTA 2: de la Universitate: 311, 70, 92 (pana la Foisorul de Foc) si mers pe jos 5 min pe str. Traian inspre Hala Traian (pe linia tramvaiului)
RUTA 3: de la Piata Romana: 133, 79, 86 (pana la Foisorul de Foc) si mers pe jos 5 min pe str. Traian inspre Hala Traian (pe linia tramvaiului)
Localizarea pe harta !! (Hope it helps)
23 February 2010
08 February 2010
10 Most Amazing Extinct Animals
From the Quagga --half zebra, half horse-- to the Irish Deer --the largest deer that ever lived--, an impressive list with pictures of amazing animals we will never see.
Tyrannosaurus Rex (extinct 65 million years ago) [Wiki]
Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest land carnivores of all time, measuring up to 43.3 feet long, and 16.6 ft tall, with an estimated mass that goes up to 7 tons. Like other tyrannosaurids, Tyrannosaurus was a bipedal carnivore with a massive skull balanced by a long, heavy tail. Relative to the large and powerful hindlimbs, Tyrannosaurus forelimbs were small and they retained only two digits.
Fossils of T. rex have been found in North American rock formations dating to the last three million years of the Cretaceous Period at the end of the Maastrichtian stage, approximately 68.5 to 65.5 million years ago; it was among the last dinosaurs to exist prior to the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event. More than 30 specimens of T. rex have been identified, some of which are nearly complete skeletons. Some researchers have discovered soft tissue as well. The abundance of fossil material has allowed significant research into many aspects of its biology, including life history and biomechanics.

Fossils of T. rex have been found in North American rock formations dating to the last three million years of the Cretaceous Period at the end of the Maastrichtian stage, approximately 68.5 to 65.5 million years ago; it was among the last dinosaurs to exist prior to the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event. More than 30 specimens of T. rex have been identified, some of which are nearly complete skeletons. Some researchers have discovered soft tissue as well. The abundance of fossil material has allowed significant research into many aspects of its biology, including life history and biomechanics.

Quagga: half zebra, half horse (extinct since 1883) [Wiki]

The quagga was originally classified as an individual species, Equus quagga, in 1788. Over the next fifty years or so, many other zebras were described by naturalists and explorers. Because of the great variation in coat patterns (no two zebras are alike), taxonomists were left with a great number of described "species", and no easy way to tell which of these were true species, which were subspecies, and which were simply natural variants. Long before this confusion was sorted out, thequagga had been hunted to extinction for meat, hides, and to preserve feed for domesticated stock. The last wild quagga was probably shot in the late 1870s, and the last specimen in captivity died on August 12, 1883 at the Artis Magistra zoo in Amsterdam.
Because of the great confusion between different zebra species, particularly among the general public, the quagga had become extinct before it was realized that it appeared to be a separate species. The quagga was the first extinct creature to have its DNA studied. Recent genetic research at the Smithsonian Institution has demonstrated that the quagga was in fact not a separate species at all, but diverged from the extremely variable plains zebra.
Thylacine: the Tasmanian Tiger (extinct since 1936) [Wiki]

The Thylacine became extinct on the Australian mainland thousands of years before European settlement of the continent, but survived on the island of Tasmania along with a number of other endemic species such as the Tasmanian Devil. Intensive hunting encouraged by bounties is generally blamed for itsextinction , but other contributory factors may have been disease, the introduction of dogs, and human encroachment into its habitat. Despite being officially classified as extinct, sightings are still reported.
Steller's Sea Cow: the defenseless beast (extinct since 1768) [Wiki]

Irish Deer: the largest deer that ever lived (extinct about 7,700 years ago) [Wiki - Photo: (c) The Field Museum, CK1T]

Discussion of the cause of their extinction has still focused on the antlers (rather than on their overall body size), which may be due more to their impact on the observer than any actual property. Some have suggested hunting by man was a contributing factor in the demise ofthe Irish Elk as it was with many prehistoric megafauna, even assuming that the large antler size restricted the movement of males through forested regions or that it was by some other means a "maladaptation". But evidence for overhunting is equivocal, and as a continental species, it would have co-evolved with humans throughout its existence and presumably have adapted to their presence.
Caspian Tiger: the third largest (extinct since 1970) [Wiki]

The body of this subspecies was quite stocky and elongated with strong legs, big wide paws and unusually large claws. The ears were short and small, and gave the appearance of being without hair on the tips. Around the cheeks the Caspian tiger was generously furred and the rest of its fur was long and thick. The colouration resembled that of the Bengal tiger. Male Caspian tigers were very large and weighed 169-240 kg. Females were not as large, weighing 85-135 kg. There are still occasional claims of the Caspian tiger being sighted.
Aurochs: a very large type of cattle (extinct since 1627) [Wiki]

By the 13th century A.D., the aurochs' range was restricted to Poland, Lithuania, Moldavia, Transylvania and East Prussia. The right to hunt large animals on any land was restricted to nobles and gradually to the royal household. As the population of aurochs declined, hunting ceased but the royal court still required gamekeepers to provide open fields for the aurochs to graze in. The gamekeepers were exempted from local taxes in exchange for their service and a decree made poaching an aurochs punishable by death. In 1564, the gamekeepers knew of only 38 animals, according to the royal survey. The last recorded live aurochs, a female, died in 1627 in the Jaktorów Forest, Poland. The skull was later taken by the Swedish Army and is now the property of Livrustkammaren in Stockholm.
In the 1920s two German zookeepers, the brothers Heinz and Lutz Heck, attempted to breed the aurochs back into existence (see breeding back) from the domestic cattle that were their descendants. Their plan was based on the conception that a species is not extinct as long as all its genes are still present in a living population. The result is the breed called Heck Cattle, 'Recreated Aurochs', or 'Heck Aurochs', which bears an incomplete resemblance to what is known about the physiology of the wild aurochs
Great Auk: largest of all auks (extinct since 1844) [Wiki]
The Great Auk was the only species in the genus Pinguinus, flightless giant auks from the Atlantic, to survive until recent times, but is extinct today. It was also known as garefowl, or penguin.
Standing about 75 centimetres or 30-34 inches high and weighing around 5 kg, the flightless Great Auk was the largest of the auks. It had white and glossy black feathers. In the past, the Great Auk was found in great numbers on islands off eastern Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Ireland and Great Britain, but it was eventually hunted to extinction. Remains found in Floridan middens suggest that at least occasionally, birds ventured that far south in winter as recently as in the 14th century.
Standing about 75 centimetres or 30-34 inches high and weighing around 5 kg, the flightless Great Auk was the largest of the auks. It had white and glossy black feathers. In the past, the Great Auk was found in great numbers on islands off eastern Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Ireland and Great Britain, but it was eventually hunted to extinction. Remains found in Floridan middens suggest that at least occasionally, birds ventured that far south in winter as recently as in the 14th century.
Cave Lion: one of the largest lions ever (extinct 2,000 years ago) [Wiki]

Dodo: the archetype of extinct species (extinct since late 17th century) [Wiki]
The Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) was a flightless bird that lived on the island of Mauritius. Related to pigeons and doves, it stood about a meter tall (three feet), lived on fruit and nested on the ground. The dodo has been extinct since the mid-to-late 17th century. It is commonly used as the archetype of an extinct species because its extinction occurred during recorded human history, and was directly attributable to human activity. The adjective phrase "as dead as a dodo" means undoubtedly and unquestionably dead. The verb phrase "to go the way of the dodo" means to become extinct or obsolete, to fall out of common usage or practice, or to become a thing of the past.
Sursa: 10 Most Amazing Extinct Animals

08 January 2010
07 January 2010
Guide to Greener Electronics ranking interactive graphic
We first released our 'Guide to Greener Electronics' in August 2006. The guide ranks the 18 top manufacturers of personal computers, mobile phones, TVs and games consoles according to their policies on toxic chemicals, recycling and climate change. Last updated: January 2010
Nokia -- Remains in first place with good scores on toxics use reduction, but loses points on energy. More...
Sony Ericsson -- Moves up with top marks on toxics elimination but weak on recycling. More...
Toshiba -- Good score on toxics elimination but needs to meet upcoming phase out commitment by March 2010. More...
Philips -- Loses points for failing to lobby for phase out of hazardous substance in legislation. More...
Apple -- Continues to improve, scoring best on eliminating toxic chemicals and e-waste criteria. More...
LG Electronics -- LG score improves, but is still penalized for postponing date for toxics phase out. More...
Sony -- Maintains overall score with better energy total, but needs to lobby for stronger chemicals legislation. More...
Motorola -- Slightly reduced score, due to lack of lobbying for stronger chemicals legislation. More...
Samsung -- Big drop due to penalty point for failing to meet commitment to phase out hazardous substances. More...
Panasonic -- Score unchanged, strongest on energy but poor on e-waste and recycling. More...
HP -- Improved position thanks to clear support for global emissions reductions, but needs to lobby for improved chemical legislation.More...
Acer -- Score unchanged but Acer is lobbying for stronger chemicals legislation.More...
Sharp -- Loses points due to poor information on toxics elimination and fails to support stronger chemicals legislation. More...
Dell -- Reduced score on energy criteria and penalty point for delaying toxics phase out till 2011.More...
Fujitsu -- Improved score due to support for global carbon emission reductions and cutting its own emissions.More...
Lenovo -- Score unchanged, with penalty point for indefinite delay on toxics phase out. More...
Microsoft -- Reduced score, fails to support strong chemicals legislation. More...
Nintendo -- Nintendo remains in last place with the same score. More...
Previous versions of the ranking in full:
Ranking criteria explained
The ranking criteria reflect the demands of the Toxic Tech campaign to the electronics companies. Our three demands are that companies should:
* Clean up their products by eliminating hazardous substances.
* Takeback and recycle their products responsibly once they become obsolete.
* Reduce the climate impacts of their operations and products.
The use of harmful chemicals in electronics prevents their safe recycling when the products are discarded. Companies scored marks out of 51 this has then been calculated to a mark out of 10 for simplicity.
Follow the more link beside each company for the full details of their score. The full criteria for scoring the companies is available. Download the full pdf of the scorecard.
Each score is based solely on public information on the companies website. Companies found not to be following their published policies will be deducted penalty point in future versions of the guide.
The guide is updated every few months. The current edition was published on January 7, 2010.
For more detailed explanation check our Q&A about the Guide to Greener Electronics.
Disclaimer: Our 'Guide to Greener Electronics' aims to clean up the electronics sector and get manufacturers to take responsibility for the full life cycle of their products, including the electronic waste that their products generate. The guide does not rank companies on labour standards, mining, or any other issues, but recognises that these are important in the production and use of electronics products. For more on the social impacts of the electronics industry visit Good Electronics and Make IT Fair.
Sursa: Greenpeace International

Nokia -- Remains in first place with good scores on toxics use reduction, but loses points on energy. More...
Sony Ericsson -- Moves up with top marks on toxics elimination but weak on recycling. More...
Toshiba -- Good score on toxics elimination but needs to meet upcoming phase out commitment by March 2010. More...
Philips -- Loses points for failing to lobby for phase out of hazardous substance in legislation. More...
Apple -- Continues to improve, scoring best on eliminating toxic chemicals and e-waste criteria. More...
LG Electronics -- LG score improves, but is still penalized for postponing date for toxics phase out. More...
Sony -- Maintains overall score with better energy total, but needs to lobby for stronger chemicals legislation. More...
Motorola -- Slightly reduced score, due to lack of lobbying for stronger chemicals legislation. More...
Samsung -- Big drop due to penalty point for failing to meet commitment to phase out hazardous substances. More...
Panasonic -- Score unchanged, strongest on energy but poor on e-waste and recycling. More...
HP -- Improved position thanks to clear support for global emissions reductions, but needs to lobby for improved chemical legislation.More...
Acer -- Score unchanged but Acer is lobbying for stronger chemicals legislation.More...
Sharp -- Loses points due to poor information on toxics elimination and fails to support stronger chemicals legislation. More...
Dell -- Reduced score on energy criteria and penalty point for delaying toxics phase out till 2011.More...
Fujitsu -- Improved score due to support for global carbon emission reductions and cutting its own emissions.More...
Lenovo -- Score unchanged, with penalty point for indefinite delay on toxics phase out. More...
Microsoft -- Reduced score, fails to support strong chemicals legislation. More...
Nintendo -- Nintendo remains in last place with the same score. More...
Previous versions of the ranking in full:
Ranking criteria explained
The ranking criteria reflect the demands of the Toxic Tech campaign to the electronics companies. Our three demands are that companies should:
* Clean up their products by eliminating hazardous substances.
* Takeback and recycle their products responsibly once they become obsolete.
* Reduce the climate impacts of their operations and products.
The use of harmful chemicals in electronics prevents their safe recycling when the products are discarded. Companies scored marks out of 51 this has then been calculated to a mark out of 10 for simplicity.
Follow the more link beside each company for the full details of their score. The full criteria for scoring the companies is available. Download the full pdf of the scorecard.
Each score is based solely on public information on the companies website. Companies found not to be following their published policies will be deducted penalty point in future versions of the guide.
The guide is updated every few months. The current edition was published on January 7, 2010.
For more detailed explanation check our Q&A about the Guide to Greener Electronics.
Disclaimer: Our 'Guide to Greener Electronics' aims to clean up the electronics sector and get manufacturers to take responsibility for the full life cycle of their products, including the electronic waste that their products generate. The guide does not rank companies on labour standards, mining, or any other issues, but recognises that these are important in the production and use of electronics products. For more on the social impacts of the electronics industry visit Good Electronics and Make IT Fair.
Sursa: Greenpeace International
05 January 2010
Alege sa fii fericit acum, nu maine!
toata lumea scrie despre anul 2009 sau 2010..ma intreb daca sa fac si eu la fel.. anul 2009 s-a incheiat, asta-i clar.. ce sens mai are sa mai vorbesc de ceva ce nu mai poate fi schimbat. Anul 2010 vine ca orice "viitor" an care se respecta, cu semne de intrebare.. De ce sa vorbesc despre ele cand nu am raspunsul la ele. Ideea e ca nu ma astept de la nimic de la anul 2010; mai exact, nu simt ca as vrea ceva mai mult. Am tot ce imi trebuie. Ca vreau sa fac anumite chestii, asta da! e clar, dar daca nu se intampla, nu inseamna ca raman cu ceva in minus, ci pur si simplu o sa raman neschimbata. Tot ce imi doresc este sa invat lectiile care mi-au fost date.. sa invat din ele, ca sa pot sa avansez.. Am citit undeva ca numai ideea de a te face cineva fericit e complet gresita, ca numai noi alegem cand sa fim fericiti sau daca sa fim. Adevarul este ca in momentul cand suntem tristi, deprimati, dezorientati, suntem asa numai pentru ca i-am lasat pe ceilalti sa ne faca sa ne simtim asa. In realitate, oricine poate fi fericit chiar acum! daca vrea.. Eu incerc sa imi aduc aminte asta, si cand ma mai iau gandurile.. imi propun sa fiu fericita.. Asa ca, anul 2010 nu conteaza cum vine.. Important este cum ma simt acum si ce ma hotarasc sa simt. .. Tot ce trebuie sa facem este sa ne punem urmatoarea intrebare: "What would love do now?" .. daca ai raspunsul.. ai si linistea si fericirea ca nu iti mai trebuie nimic altceva.. raspunde cu dragoste in fata oricarei provocari, sau nu raspunde deloc..
Alege pacea..
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